Mutant Chronicles Wiki

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Welcome to Mutant Chronicles Wiki

This is a wiki devoted to the Mutant Chronicles in all of its various iterations.

Mutant Chronicles is a dieselpunk techno-fantasy lore that covers several thousand of years of history, accordingly to a defined timeline.

  • DIESELPUNK: The awful power of the Dark Symmetry has turned the machines and advanced technologies of man against their maker. Old technologies have been dusted off and patched up to keep civilisation rolling and the lights on. Ancient ships are repaired and kept operational long after they should have been retired. A well-worn, reliable gun is your best friend. Luna City, a vast and ancient city, covers much of Earth’s moon. Gargoyles fight for space with neon signs and corporate adverts in a world that is one-part noir, and one-part occult horror.
  • TECHNO-FANTASY: A blend of dystopian cyberpunk intrigue in a larger-than-life world where the shoulder pads are big and the hair is even bigger! In the universe of Mutant Chronicles mankind has fled the devastated Earth, and colonised and terraformed Luna, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and much of the Asteroid Belt. It is a world where heroes are forged and can determine the future of mankind, but where a dark, ancient, and powerful enemy from the Dark Soul threatens the very existence of humanity.

The setting also melds sci-fi, fantasy, cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, pulp, film noir, horror, and military genres into a single dystopic vision of the future.

Since the early 1990s, Mutant Chronicles has spawned three editions of the roleplaying game, 4 editions of the miniatures games, 4 boardgame, a collectable card game and its new digital edition, several novels, and even a movie!

The Mutant Chronicles Setting[]

The Solar System is a roaring mayhem of death and war. The surfaces of the inner planets have been swept clean by the violent onslaught of the Dark Legion's storming hordes of Nepharites, Necromutants, Razides, Pretorian Stalkers and Undead Legionnaires. In the enormous cities of the far and distant future, Heretics devoted to the destruction of humankind stalk the dark backstreets and gloomy alleys spreading their teachings of greed, jealousy and war.


Huge, greedy, and duplicitous, the corporations dominate society, and the universe of Mutant Chronicles. In the rush to escape the dead Earth, they swallowed up the roles of nation state and international conglomerate to form something new: corporate nation states, each with their own distinctive tone and character.

  • Capitol: Big, brash, and confident. Capitol is the epitome of the American dream, bringing together the cultures of North, Central, and Latin America. Viewing itself as the natural leader of humanity, not a view shared by the other corporations, Capitol aims to bring peace, prosperity, and a bold new future to the solar system. Unfortunately, not everyone wants a Capitolian vision of the future.
  • Bauhaus: Traditional, ordered, and cultured. Bauhaus is strongly influenced by Germanic, Scandinavian, and European source cultures. Bauhaus has a strong belief in the inherent correctness of its system. Everything should have a place, and there should be a place for everything. This design aesthetic applies to everything it makes, from the smallest pistol to the greatest skyscraper. Citizens of Bauhaus pride themselves on their efficiency, a trait outsiders consider arrogance.
  • Mishima: Honour, duty, and sacrifice. Mishima embodies the culture of Shogunate Japan and the might of the 20th Century Japanese keiretsu corporate giants. Mishima favours the good of all above that of the individual, and is the undisputed industrial leader. It is considered polluting and myopic by outsiders.
  • Imperial: Aggressive, proud, and expansionist. A coalition of bickering Clans with a strong British and Commonwealth accent, Imperial views itself as the underdog corporation, and will grab any chance to grow. It was Imperial’s Conquistadors who unwittingly freed the Dark Legion from its ancient prison in an attempt to explore the outer reaches of the solar system. Quixotic and heedless, is what outsiders think.
  • Cybertronic: A newcomer to the scene, appearing in the Dark Legion time period. Cybertronic was primarily formed of defectors from Bauhaus, but with smaller ‘contributions’ from other corporations. It embraces technology in a universe where technology cannot be trusted. Viewed with suspicion by many outsiders, Cybertronic offers a striking – and enigmatic – vision of the future.
  • Brotherhood: One of the few sources of social aid, the charitable works of the philanthropic Nathaniel Durand and his brothers in the Dark Symmetry time period challenge the pure capitalism of the corporations. By the time of the Dark Legion period, they have become the religious order known as The Brotherhood: self-appointed protectors of humanity from the Dark Legion. Able to tap into supernatural abilities that become known as the Arts, it is one of the few organisations capable of uniting humanity. However, its war on the Dark Symmetry can often ensnare the innocent.
  • Cartel: Conceived as a neutral meeting and mediation space for the corporations, the Cartel is frozen in virtual deadlock, and has instead become a hotbed of espionage and intrigue. One of the few true successes that the Cartel has achieved was the creation of the Doomtroopers during the First Dark Legion War. Chosen from the best of the best, the Doomtroopers take the fight to the homelands of the Dark Apostles, knowing that they are unlikely to return.
  • Luna PD: Originally founded by Capitol in an act of civic patronage, Luna PD is one of the only true inter-corporate organisations. It brings together seconded investigators from each of the great corporations and cops recruited from the population of Luna. Underfunded and subject to conflicting corporate masters, Luna PD often hires freelancers for their unique skills and experience.
  • Whitestar: Not technically a corporation. The soldiers of Whitestar, led by the Tsarina, provide a blunt, no-nonsense counterbalance to the conspiracy and backstabbing of the corporations. From its bunkers in Siberia, its warriors range out from the icy wastes to the depths of space to bring the Tsarina’s punishment to those who abandoned the homeworld.
  • Dark Legion: The Dark Legion is evil incarnate, and aims to destroy all of mankind. The Apostles and their cohorts wash over humanity like a vile wave of agony and despair. We know them to be monstrous, corrupt, and powerful. But what are they? Why are they? The Dark Soul will reveal all.

The Games[]

The Mutant Chronicles RPG Editions[]

So far, three different editions have been released for the Mutant Chronicles RPG:

The Mutant Chronicles CCG Editions[]

  • Doomtrooper 1st Edition
  • Doomtrooper 2nd Edition
  • Doomtrooper GEngine
  • Doomtrooper Online
  • Dark Eden

The Mutant Chronicles Warzone Editions[]

  • Warzone 1st Edition
  • Warzone 2nd Edition
  • Warzone - Universe under Siege
  • Warzone Resurrection
  • Warzone Eternal

The Mutant Chronicles Boardgames[]

  • Blood Berets
  • Fury of the Clansmen
  • Siege of the Citadel 1st edition
  • Siege of the Citadel 2nd edition
  • Mutant Chronicles Collectible Miniature Game

The Mutant Chronicles other Medias[]


  • Mutant Chronicles RPG (3rd Edition): Core Book, pages 12-13
  • Mutant Chronicles RPG (3rd Edition): DARK SOUL Source Book, page 6